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Tuesday, 22 December 2009
God made the earth for us to live on as humans.What was earth like in the beinnin?" In the beginning  no one could live on the earth. There was nothing but one big ocean ocean of water all over the land. But God wanted people to live on the earth. So he began to get things ready for us. What did he do? Well, first the earth needed light. So God made the light from the sun to shine on the earth. He made It so there could be both nighttime and daytime. Afterward God caused land to come up above the water of the ocean. At first there was nothing on the land. There were no flowers or trees or animals.(READ MORE AT JEREMIAH 10:12 COLOSSIANS 1:15-17 GENESIS 1:1-10),,

Posted by jean1967 at 6:40 PM EST
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Now Playing: SAMSOM"#
Do you know the name of the strongest man who ever lived? He is a judge named Samson. It is Jehovah who gives Samson his strenght. Even befor Samson is Even born, Jehovah tells his mother: 'Soon you will have a son. He will take a lead in saving Israel from the Philistines.' The Philistines are bad people who live in Canaan.They have many fighting men, and they really hurt the Israelites. Once, when Samson is on his way to where the Philistines live, a big lion comes roaing out to meet him. But Samson kills the lion with only his bare hands. He also kills hundreds of bad Philistines. Later Samson falls in love with a woman named Delilah. The Philistine leaders promise that each of them will give Delilah 1,100 pieces of silver if she tells them what makes Samson so strong.  (READ MORE AT JUDGES CHAPTER 13 TO 16),,

Posted by jean1967 at 10:44 AM EST
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Sunday, 20 December 2009
The king of Assyria has just sent lettrs to King Hezekia. These are the letters that Hezekia has put here befor God. The letters make fun of Jehvovah, and tell Hezekiah to give up. So this is why Hezekiah prays: 'O Jehovah, save us from the king of Assyria. Then all the nations will know that you along are God.' Will Jehovah listen to Hezekiah? Hezekiah is a good king. So after Hezekiah finishes praying, the prophet Isaiah sends him this message from Jehovah: 'The king of Assyria will come into Jerusalem. None of his soldiers will even come close to it. They will not shoot a sinle arrow at the city.' Jehovah sent his angel, and in one night the angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. So the king of Assyria gives up and go back home,,,( READ MORE AT 2KINGS 18:1-36 )

Posted by jean1967 at 9:26 PM EST
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Now Playing: "JEZEBEL"
Jezebel is not an Israelite woman. She is the daughter of the king of Sidon. She worships the false god Baal, and she gets Ahab and many Israelites to worship Baal too. Jezebel hates Jehovah and kills many of his prophets. Others have to hide in caves so that they want be killed. If Jezebel wants something she will even kill a person to get it. One day King Ahab is very sad. So Jezebel asks him: 'Why are you sad today?'  'Becauses of what Naboth said to me,' Ahab answers. 'I wanted to buy his vineyard. But he told me I couldn't have It.'  'Don't worry,' Jezebel says, 'I will get it for you,' So Jezebel writes letters to some chief men in the city where this man Naboth lives. 'Get some good-for-nothing to say that Naboth has cursed God and the king,' she tells them. 'Then take Naboth out of the city and stone him to death,' As soon as Jezebel learns that Naboth is dead, she says to Ahab: 'Now go and take his vineyard.' Don't you agree that Jezebel should be punished for doing such a terrible thing?  So, in time, Jehovah sends the men Jehu to punish her.( READ MORE ABOUT JEZEBEL AT 1KINGS 16:29-33  2KINGS 9:30-37)

Posted by jean1967 at 8:13 PM EST
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Tuesday, 24 November 2009
I know a story about some people whose lives were saved because they were obedient. Would you like to hear it?- These people lived in the big city of Jerusalem long time ago. Most of the people in that city were bad. They did not listen to God. Jehovah sent his own son to teach them. But they still did not listen. What would God do to them?- The Great Teacher warned them that God was going to have their city destroyed. He said that armies of soldiers would camp around the city and ruin it. He also told the people how they could escape if they love what was right. This is what he said: When you see armies all around Jerusalem, then is the time to get out of Jerusalem and run to the mountains.'-(READ LUKE 21:20-22).  IT happened just as Jesus said it would. The armies of Rome came to attack Jerusalem. They camp all around. Then for some reason they left. Most of the people thought that the danger was past. They stayed in the city. But what had Jesus said they should do?- What would you have done if you had been living in Jersalem?- Those who really believed Jesus left their homes and ran far away from Jerusalem into the mountains. Not only grown-ups went; children went with them. But were they really protected because they were obedient?- For three years nothing happened. But then in the fourth year the armies of Rome came back. For those who had stayed in Jerusalem it was now too late to escape. This time the armies destroyed the city. Most of the people inside were killed. But what happened to those who had obeyed Jesus?-They were far away from Jerusalem. So they were not hurt.

Posted by jean1967 at 8:24 PM EST
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Thursday, 19 November 2009
Look at the young man guarding the outer garments of those who are throwing stones at Stephen. His Hebrew name is Saul, but his Roman name is Paul.He is glad that Stephen, who is a disciple of the Great Teacher, is being killed.   When Stephen is arrested in Jerualem, Saul is right there. Stephen is taken to court, where some of the judges are Pharisees. Even though bad things are said about Stephen, he is not afraid. He speaks right up and gives the judges a good witness abount Jehovah God and about Jesus.                    The judges grab hold of Stephen and take him outside the city. They knock him down and throw stones at him. (READ MORE FROM YOUR BIBLE AT ACTS 7:54-60. ACTS 8:1-4..)

Posted by jean1967 at 7:58 PM EST
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Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Now Playing: "WOMAN AT THE WELL"#
Jesus has stop to rest by the well in Sa-mar'i-a. His disciples have gone into town to buy food. The woman Jesus is speaking to has come to get some water. He says to her:'Give me a drink.' This surprises the woman very much. Do you know why? IT is becase Jesus is a Jew, and she is a sa-mar'i-tans.And most Jews do not like Sa-mar'i-tans. They won't even talk to them! But Jesus loves all kinds of people. So he says:' if you knew who was asking you for a drink, you would ask him and he would give you life-giving water.' "Sir the woman says,' the well is deep, and you don't even have a bucket. Where would you get this life-saving water?" 'If you drink from this well you will never get thristy again,' Jesus explains.' But the water I will give can make a person live forever.' "Sir.' the woman says, give me this water! Then I will never be thirty again. And I won't have to come here to get water any more,' The woman thinks Jesus is talking about real water. But he is talking about the truth concerning God and his kingdom,,(READ MORE AT JOHN 4:5-43;)

Posted by jean1967 at 9:58 PM EST
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Can you see that bright star one of these men is pointing to? When they left Jerusalem, the star appeard. These men are from the East, and they study the stars, They believe that this new star is leading them to someone important. When the men got to Jerusalem, they asked:"Where is the child who is to be king of the Jews?' "Jews" is another name for Israelites. 'We first saw the child's star when we were in the East,' the men said,'and we come to worship him,'When Herod, who is king at Jerusalem, heard about this he got upset. He did not want anther king to take his place, So Herod called the chief priest and asked: 'Where will the promised king be bron?' They Bible says in Beth'le-hem.' So Herod called the men from the East, and said:'Go make a search for the young child. When you find him, let know. I want to go and worship him too,'But, really, Herod wanted to find the child to kill him! Then the star moves ahead of the men to Beth'le-hem, and it stops over the place where the child is.(READ MORE AT MATTHEW 2:1-23)

Posted by jean1967 at 7:12 PM EST
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Wednesday, 4 November 2009
How was the first man made?This is how GOD(JEHOVAH) made adam.He took some dust from the ground  and with it he formed a perfect body,a man's body.Then he blew into the man's nose,and Adam came to life.Jehovah God had a job for Adam.He told Adam to name all the different kinds of animals.Adam may have watched the animals for a long time so he could pick the best names for them all.While Adam was naming the animals he began to see something.Do you know what it was?The animals all had mates. There were mama elephants and papa elephants,and there were papa lions and mama lions.But Adam had no one to be his mate. So Jehovah made Adam fall into a deep sleep,and he took a rib bone from his side.Using this rib,Jehovah made a woman for Adam and she became his wife.(READ IN YOUR BIBLE FUTHER AT PSALM 83:18 GENESIS 1:26-31 THEN GENESIS 2:7-25)

Posted by jean1967 at 2:58 PM EST
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Thursday, 29 October 2009
Innocent350 years after the flood,faithfull Noah died.It was just two years later that the man you see in the picture was born.He was very special person to GOD.His name was Abraham.He lived with his family in that city of Ur.One day JEHOVAH told Abraham:'Leave Ur and your relatives,and go to a country I will show you.'Did Abramham obey GOD and leave behind all the comforts of Ur?Yes,he did.And it was because Abraham always obeyed GOD that he came to be known as GOD's friend.Some of Abraham's family went along with him when he left Ur.His father Te'rah did.So did his newphew Lot.And,of course,Abraham's wife Sarah went too.In time they all arrived at a place called Ha'ran,where Te'rah died.They were far away from Ur,After a while Abraham and his household left Ha'ran and came to the land called Ca'naan.There JEHOVAH said:"This is the land that I will give to your children.'Abraham stayed in Ca'naan and lived in tents.GOD began to help Abraham so that he came to have great flocks of sheep and other animals and hundreds of servants.But he and sarah did not have any children of their own.When Abraham was 99 years old,JEHOVAH said:'I promise that you will become father to many nations of people,'But how could this happen,since Abraham and Sarah were now to old to have a child?(READ GENESIS 11:1-7  17:1-8  THEN 18:9-19)

Posted by jean1967 at 8:40 PM EDT
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