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Sunday, 20 December 2009
Now Playing: "JEZEBEL"
Jezebel is not an Israelite woman. She is the daughter of the king of Sidon. She worships the false god Baal, and she gets Ahab and many Israelites to worship Baal too. Jezebel hates Jehovah and kills many of his prophets. Others have to hide in caves so that they want be killed. If Jezebel wants something she will even kill a person to get it. One day King Ahab is very sad. So Jezebel asks him: 'Why are you sad today?'  'Becauses of what Naboth said to me,' Ahab answers. 'I wanted to buy his vineyard. But he told me I couldn't have It.'  'Don't worry,' Jezebel says, 'I will get it for you,' So Jezebel writes letters to some chief men in the city where this man Naboth lives. 'Get some good-for-nothing to say that Naboth has cursed God and the king,' she tells them. 'Then take Naboth out of the city and stone him to death,' As soon as Jezebel learns that Naboth is dead, she says to Ahab: 'Now go and take his vineyard.' Don't you agree that Jezebel should be punished for doing such a terrible thing?  So, in time, Jehovah sends the men Jehu to punish her.( READ MORE ABOUT JEZEBEL AT 1KINGS 16:29-33  2KINGS 9:30-37)

Posted by jean1967 at 8:13 PM EST
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