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Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Can you see that bright star one of these men is pointing to? When they left Jerusalem, the star appeard. These men are from the East, and they study the stars, They believe that this new star is leading them to someone important. When the men got to Jerusalem, they asked:"Where is the child who is to be king of the Jews?' "Jews" is another name for Israelites. 'We first saw the child's star when we were in the East,' the men said,'and we come to worship him,'When Herod, who is king at Jerusalem, heard about this he got upset. He did not want anther king to take his place, So Herod called the chief priest and asked: 'Where will the promised king be bron?' They Bible says in Beth'le-hem.' So Herod called the men from the East, and said:'Go make a search for the young child. When you find him, let know. I want to go and worship him too,'But, really, Herod wanted to find the child to kill him! Then the star moves ahead of the men to Beth'le-hem, and it stops over the place where the child is.(READ MORE AT MATTHEW 2:1-23)

Posted by jean1967 at 7:12 PM EST
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Wednesday, 4 November 2009
How was the first man made?This is how GOD(JEHOVAH) made adam.He took some dust from the ground  and with it he formed a perfect body,a man's body.Then he blew into the man's nose,and Adam came to life.Jehovah God had a job for Adam.He told Adam to name all the different kinds of animals.Adam may have watched the animals for a long time so he could pick the best names for them all.While Adam was naming the animals he began to see something.Do you know what it was?The animals all had mates. There were mama elephants and papa elephants,and there were papa lions and mama lions.But Adam had no one to be his mate. So Jehovah made Adam fall into a deep sleep,and he took a rib bone from his side.Using this rib,Jehovah made a woman for Adam and she became his wife.(READ IN YOUR BIBLE FUTHER AT PSALM 83:18 GENESIS 1:26-31 THEN GENESIS 2:7-25)

Posted by jean1967 at 2:58 PM EST
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Thursday, 29 October 2009
Innocent350 years after the flood,faithfull Noah died.It was just two years later that the man you see in the picture was born.He was very special person to GOD.His name was Abraham.He lived with his family in that city of Ur.One day JEHOVAH told Abraham:'Leave Ur and your relatives,and go to a country I will show you.'Did Abramham obey GOD and leave behind all the comforts of Ur?Yes,he did.And it was because Abraham always obeyed GOD that he came to be known as GOD's friend.Some of Abraham's family went along with him when he left Ur.His father Te'rah did.So did his newphew Lot.And,of course,Abraham's wife Sarah went too.In time they all arrived at a place called Ha'ran,where Te'rah died.They were far away from Ur,After a while Abraham and his household left Ha'ran and came to the land called Ca'naan.There JEHOVAH said:"This is the land that I will give to your children.'Abraham stayed in Ca'naan and lived in tents.GOD began to help Abraham so that he came to have great flocks of sheep and other animals and hundreds of servants.But he and sarah did not have any children of their own.When Abraham was 99 years old,JEHOVAH said:'I promise that you will become father to many nations of people,'But how could this happen,since Abraham and Sarah were now to old to have a child?(READ GENESIS 11:1-7  17:1-8  THEN 18:9-19)

Posted by jean1967 at 8:40 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 28 October 2009
SmileMOSES had come all the way to the mountain of Ho'reb to find grass for his sheep.Here he saw a bush on fire,but it wasn't burning up!"This is strange,'Moses thought.'I will go closer and get a better look.'When he did,a voice came from the bush,saying:'Do not come any close.Take off your sandals,because you are standing on holy ground.'It was GOD speaking by means of an angel,so Moses covered his face.GOD then said:'I have seen the suffering of my people in Egypt.So I am going to free them,and you are the one I am sending to lead my people out of Egypt,'JEHOVAH was going to bring his people to the beautiful land of Ca'naan.But Moses said:'I am nobody.How can I do thise?But suppose I do go.Israelites will say to me,"Who sent you?"Then what shall I say?'This is what you are to say,'GOD answered.'"JEHOVAH the GOD of Abraham,the GOD of Isaac and the GOD of Jacob has sent me to you." 'And JEHOVAH added:'This is my name forever.'But suppose they don't believe me when I say that you sent me,'Moses replied.'What is in your hand?GOD ask.Moses answered:a stick.' 'Throw it on the ground,'GOD said.And when Moses did,the stick became a snake.JEHOVAH then showed Moses another miracle.   (READ AT EXODUS 3:1-22)

Posted by jean1967 at 9:27 PM EDT
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Mood:  happy
SmileNoah had a wife and three sons.His sons.'names were Shem,Ham,and Ja'pheth.And each of these sons had a wife.So there were eight persons in Noah's family.GOD now had Noah do a strange thing.He told him to build a big ark.This ark was large like a ship,but it looked more like a big long box.'Make it three floors high,'GOD said put rooms in it.'The rooms for Noah and his family,the animals,and all the food all of them would need.GOD also told Noah to fix up the ark so that no water could leak in.GODsaid:'Iam going to send a great flood of water and destroy the whole world.Everyone not on the ark will die.'Noah and his sons obeyed JEHOVAH and sterted building.But the other people just laughed.They kept on being bad.Nobody believed Noah when he told them what GOD was going to do.It took a long time to build the ark because it was so big.Finally,after many years, it was finished.Now GOD said to bring in the aniamals into the ark.GOD said to bring in two kinds of animals,male and female.But of other kinds of animals, GOD told Noah to bring in all the different kinds of birds.Noah did just what GOD said.Afterward,Noah and his family also went into the ark.Then GOD shut the door,,,(READ IN YOUR BIBLE AT GENESIS 6:9-22;,,7;1-9)

Posted by jean1967 at 10:27 AM EDT
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