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Saturday, 2 January 2010
Now Playing: "SAUL"
Do YOU know who that is lying on the ground? It is Saul. Saul takes the lead in hunting for Jesus' followers to hurt them. He goes into one house after another and drags them out and throws them in prison. Saul goes to other cities to find Jesus's follwers. He is now on his way to Damascus. But, on the way, this is the amazing thing that happens:  Suddenly a light from the sky flashes around Saul. He falls to the ground, as we see here. Then a voice says: Saul, Saul! Why are hurting me?' The men see the light and hear the sound of the voice, but they can't understand what is being said.  'Who are you, Lord?' Saul ask. 'I am Jesus, the one you are hurting,' the voice says. Jesus says this becaues when Saul hurts Jesus' followers, Jesus feels as if he is being hurt himself. When Saul get's up from the ground he is blind! (READ IN YOUR BIBLE MORE AT  ACTS 8:1-4  THEN ACTS 9:1-20;)

Posted by jean1967 at 7:00 PM EST
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